
Does it ever seem like there is just never enough time to say all that you need or want to say during a 50-minute therapy session? Are you ready to be deeply listened to in a focused, unrushed, and compassionate way? Are you ready for a change? If yes, a therapeutic intensive may be an excellent option for you.

Therapeutic intensives provide multiple hours of therapy in one-day or multi-day increments. For certain types of challenges, this format of care can accelerate change and allow deeper work to occur sooner. Therapeutic intensives also create opportunities to work in a concentrated way with a specialist who may live in a different state or country than yourself. Additionally, when individual therapy appointment times are not available, but you need specialized betrayal trauma support right away, therapeutic intensives can be a timely and cost-effective option for receiving care (the hourly rate of an intensive is less than a regular therapy session).

The one and two-day therapy intensives offered by Dr. Manning are held in-person at her Colorado office and are uniquely tailored to support, educate, and resource individuals who are dealing with the traumatic effects of secretive or sexually compulsive behavior in their relationship. The one-on-one format also provides maximum privacy and confidentiality because the intensive is exclusively your time — it is just you and Dr. Manning, and you are both focusing on your unique healing and wellness needs for one or two days.

One-day intensive sessions (6 hours of therapy) are typically held from 9 am to 4pm with a one-hour break for lunch. A typical one-day itinerary covers:

  • Education about betrayal trauma and its symptoms
  • Specialized assessments and a review of the results
  • Focused history taking & clarifying healing needs
  • Completing a safety inventory & initial safety planning
  • Identifying grounding skills that are tailored for your nervous system
  • A binder of resources to take home

Two-day intensives (12 hours of therapy) are also held from 9 am to 4pm and include everything from the one-day intensive plus:

  • Trigger management skills
  • Initial boundary work
  • Treatment planning for post-intensive
  • Self-care items to take home

Therapeutic intensives may be customized to meet individual needs and you are welcome to reach out to Dr. Manning at 720.209.9510 or to discuss your healing goals or a desired focus for an intensive.

For information about fees, location, and planning, please click on the flyers below.

Flyer for Therapeutic Intensives_final
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Betrayal Trauma First Aid
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